Mayhem Fixed is a brand from Kuala Lumpur dedicated to urban cycling apparel. As they describe themselves: 

We are a studio that focus on our brand and still making, creating new things.
Starting up a label and building a brand we have to come up with a realistic idea that can turn into a product or service. lt is not easy, but it can be done. It depends a lot on what we can do. Here, we are trying our best to make a good quality product, simple design and affordable for everyone.
We define cycling as a basic necessity. Most of us learned how to cycle almost after we learned how to walk. With the rising of cost of living, cycling should be considered as one of solutions. Ideally, each household should have one bicycle. It's a culture that now been carry out by both young and older generations with different approach and styles.
For us we chose fixed gear!

Instagram: @mayhemfixed
Vimeo: MayhemFixed


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